Richard Barnhart

March 18, 1933 – January 21, 2024

By Jeff Chesemore

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” ― Frederick Buechner

Richard Barnhart’s deep gladness was blessing others financially and creatively by means of The Barnhart Crane and Rigging Company he and his wife, Nancy, started. Young Life is just one of many youth organizations blessed by Richard’s heartfelt generosity. In his humility he would consider it only natural to support the ministry God used to bring his sons — and soon Nancy and himself — into a relationship with the Lord.

“I had come to the Lord through Young Life when I was in high school,” his son Alan said, “and my parents saw a big difference in my life and in the life of my brother. So they became huge fans of Young Life because of how it changed us.”

Soon, both Richard and Nancy — both in their 50s at the time — also came to know Jesus through Young Life. From there they were sold on the mission’s vision, and served tirelessly to support the work.

“What excited my dad about Young Life was the mission's effectiveness in reaching kids and changing their lives,” Alan said. “He saw that in us and said, ‘Man, I want to help them any way I can.’ It was nice that Young Life had construction needs that fit with his business. He was involved in several Young Life properties, not just providing money, but also designing structures.”

Those structures can be found in camps like Rockbridge Alum Springs in Virginia, Crooked Creek in Colorado, and Clearwater Cove in Missouri. From adventure swings to dining halls to kids’ dorms, the Barnhart family has been integral in shaping world class facilities to help kids meet Jesus in places designed just for them.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

― Frederick Buechner

Dave Carlson, former director of properties, said, “Dick and Nancy were leadership models for Mary and me. On a service trip to the Young Life camp in France, Praz de Lys, I remember a first need was to hang new doors to the camp main lodge. Dick immediately raised his hand and said , ‘I’ll do that!’ ​ Best doors ever hung. Dick and Nancy were on the first volunteer team to join Bill Branch in building dorms at Rockbridge. Then they fabricated the steel and erected it for the dining hall. Their partnership was unstoppable. Dick and Nancy have lived out the hospitality role for thousands of folks. What a blessing.”

But their generosity didn’t just extend to camps across the U.S. They were just as involved in the local ministry going on in their own backyard, primarily areas in Memphis and Millington, Tennessee.

Luke Sadler, who served as an area director in Millington, an area Richard helped start from the ground up, had these words to say about his friend. “Dick and Nancy met with Brad Baker in Memphis in 2005 and gave the money needed to hire an intern at Millington Central High School, so Young Life could start there. They’ve given that money every year since. They always opened their home and surrounding property for treehouse camping with kids, work days for camp fundraisers, fishing, and ziplining. Mr. Barnhart taught and showed the young guys how to use a chainsaw, split wood, or build fires to raise them into men. They hosted every committee meeting with a meal and served at every area fundraiser. Their faith was in action. Mr. Barnhart's first question every time we returned from a camp trip was, ‘How many Say-So's were there?’ He wanted adolescents to know Jesus.”

Current Millington Area Director Mindi Harkness added, “Mr. Barnhart and Mrs. Nancy spent many hours helping to renovate a building our area was given last year. They’d do anything for both kids and leaders to ensure kids were being reached with the gospel. Mr. Barnhart embodied Christlikeness — he was a fine disciple and many lives have been changed due to his generosity. Young Life Millington and my family will forever be grateful for knowing him.”

“In 1969 dad and mom started the business from scratch with a pickup truck company, a ladder and a welding machine,” Alan said. “And many of the key people in our business have come to Christ through Young Life. This business he started when he wasn't a believer became a business that benefited from the effects of Young Life. And then it’s come full circle, as he’s helped partner with some of Young Life’s projects.”

The mission is indebted to this humble, generous man, and the entire Barnhart family, whose gifts have helped house, feed, and even swing(!) countless kids into a loving relationship with the Savior. What a beautiful demonstration of building — both literally and spiritually — the Kingdom of God.